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Transition begins with an end, and ends with a beginning.


„Transition begins with an end, and ends with a beginning.“

Since the outset of my professional career, my main emphasis of work has been placed on accompanying and initiating change and transition. In order to manage complexity and volatility, clients expect vast experience and a body of knowledge. I make available a broad state-of-the-art tool and method set which is applicable for clients' specific situations and topics.

career counseling

In counseling, the career transition is designed. This includes the exit ("off boarding") from the company to the re-entry and repositioning ("on boarding") in a new job.


It is a program that goes beyond the established outplacement and highlights complementary aspects:

  • Communicative, content-related and psychological levels of successful transition are worked on.

  • You will recognize the invisible connections and effective levers of this phase.

  • You will be prepared for executive search interviews, hearings, test procedures, contact networks, recommendation mechanisms and questions about reputation.

Further Fields of Work: 2nd and 3rd career, crisis interventions, career interruptions, such as maternity leave, sabbatical or illness

leadership X.O

In Counseling, I prepare leaders of today and tomorrow for the rapidly changing demands on themselves, employee leadership and the resulting new corporate interactions.

Topics in focus:

  • Adaptive leadership on the "front lines”

  • Experimental learning and leadership

  • New value and behavior patterns due to agile work and organizational models

  • Intergenerational collaboration

  • The requirement for virtual communication and interaction in the 21st century


​​Work Fields: Top Executive Leadership, Non -Profit Leadership , Leader's Incubator for young talents, Self Guidance, Performance

mindset & grwoth

In Counseling we work beyond competence, skills or tool coaching. It is about consciousness work and expansion of consciousness at the roots of the personality.


Common occasions for this are:

  • Experiencing blockages in thinking and feeling

  • One's own leadership role requires a new way of dealing with employees and stakeholders.

  • Disruptive and agile experiences in organizations

  • Issues that are not manageable in business coaching


Work Fields: Brain and Creativity, Mental Training, Flow Performance

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